An open and responsive organisation
The outcome of a cooperative approach between manufacturers and distributors in the electrical and climatic fields (IGNES and FDME), the FAB-DIS format has now been adopted by a majority of companies in the construction, industry and infrastructure sectors.
In light of the success that it enjoyed beyond its original scope, the decision was made to set up a committee that is representative of the diversity of the trades and companies involved. This committee aims to:
- respond to the interest shown by new trades in appropriating the FAB-DIS format, while ensuring its founding principles are respected (simple, free, responsive, universal),
- put forward relevant and shared responses to the issues encountered by building sector suppliers when listing their offers.
It is within this context that around 20 experts in different fields (marketing, data managers, logistics, etc.) meet and work in an open and transparent environment to:
- Understand and meet needs in order to improve the exchange of data
- Integrate trade and regulatory changes
- Manage and raise awareness of FAB-DIS on French and European markets